Healthspan Digest
Your Shortcut to a Longer, Healthier Life
What if you could add years to your life and life to your years? Healthspan Digest makes it simple by breaking down the science of living vibrantly into practical, actionable advice. In just 20–30 minutes, each episode gives you one science-backed action item you can start today to improve your healthspan—the length of time you stay healthy, energetic, and thriving.
No gimmicks, no fads—just real strategies from your host, Aaron Shaw, an expert with nearly 30 years in health, fitness, and rehabilitation. From optimizing your nutrition, exercise, and sleep to building emotional wellbeing and resilience against injuries and illness, every episode is packed with insights that fit into your busy life.
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Healthspan Digest
The 5-Minute Happiness Fix: Proven Ways to Boost Your Mood!
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Want to be happier? Science has the answers! In this episode, I break down five powerful, research-backed strategies that you can start using today to improve your mood, energy, and overall well-being—all in just five minutes.
These aren’t just feel-good ideas; they’re proven methods supported by psychology and neuroscience to help you rewire your brain for happiness.
In This Episode:
✅ Practice Gratitude – The simple habit that rewires your brain for positivity
✅ Move Your Body – How even 10 minutes of movement can boost mood instantly
✅ Prioritize Sleep – The link between quality sleep and happiness
✅ Strengthen Social Connections – Why real relationships matter more than social media
✅ Perform Acts of Kindness – The surprising way helping others boosts your own happiness
🎯 Action Challenge: Pick one of these five tips and apply it today! Then, send me a message or share your experience in the comments—I’d love to hear how it works for you.
🔔 If you love high-impact, science-based health and longevity tips, subscribe to the podcast! And don’t forget to leave a rating or review—it helps more people discover life-changing healthspan strategies.
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If you want to be happier, you've come to the right place. I'm going to give you five tips in five minutes on ways that you can improve your happiness today. Five realistic tips, not magic, but definitely science backed. My name is Aaron Shaw. I'm from healthspan physiocoaching. I've spent the last nearly three decades in the rehab and fitness and healthspan space. I love talking about all things health, fitness, performance.
related and specifically healthspan. Healthspan is the length of time within our lifespan that we are healthy, active, vibrant, and really able to engage in life to its fullest. I like focusing on what I think are like the five main pillars of healthspan. These are exercise, nutrition, sleep, emotional wellbeing, and preventative care. And today we're talking emotional wellbeing, happiness. It is like the pinnacle of emotional wellbeing. You know you're doing something right if you are happy.
If you like supporting high impact science-based information on longevity and health, please subscribe to this channel. Subscribe to my podcast, extra credit if you leave me a thumbs up and leave me a comment and just tell me that this resonated with you. So with that in five minutes time, I'm going to go through five tips, very simple things you can start, you can do today to improve your happiness.
And I've got my handy dandy desktop timer here, so I'm gonna try to stick to that as much as possible. Five tips, five minutes, science-backed ways to improve your happiness. Ready, set.
Go. right. Tip one, practice gratitude. So studies show that when you write down things that you are grateful for, it can significantly increase your long-term happiness. It sounds simple. It sounds hokey, especially if you're not somebody who normally journals, writes things down, but it has been proven to, in essence, it trains your brain to focus on something positive. Think of it as you're wiring in like a positive neural pathway for optimism. And we know that there is more than enough negativity, more than enough stress in this world, especially if you're consuming social media or if you get home from a busy, crazy day of work and you flip on the news, it is just insult to injury. we want to nurture a positive, optimistic, happy neural pathway, taking pause and writing down three things. So tonight's action would be to write down three things that went well today, no matter how small it is, just simple stuff. Write down three things that went well, acknowledge that you have a little bit of gratitude for those things going well, and you've ticked that box. You're starting to rewire your neural pathway. Tip two, exercise. And if you listen to this podcast or any of my episodes, and certainly if you know me, exercise is key to most everything. But exercising just 30 minutes releases endorphins, dopamine, basically your brain's natural happiness chemicals, if you will.
So exercise has been proven to do, it cures, dare I say almost everything, almost everything, but it's been proven to reduce stress, fight depression. mean, people who are clinically depressed when they exercise, their symptoms lessen through exercise. not talking like in addition to, you know, the pharmaceutical side of things, but literally just exercising alone will decrease the symptoms of depression and it improves sleep. So when you exercise, you sleep better. Sleeping also improves your happiness overall as well too. So today, take 10 minutes, go for a brisk walk, lift some weights, do something. Tip three, prioritize sleep. of sleep, lack of sleep especially will have a real negative impact on your happiness. when you are compromising sleep, have increased cortisol, which is a stress hormone. So focus on at least seven hours of high quality sleep. And that may mean being in bed for eight hours or more in order to get that. So sleep.
It's a neurologically magical. helps sort of clean up the brain, if you will, it boosts memory and has this problem solving. All of these things have been linked to wellbeing. So tonight, 30 minutes or an hour before you go to bed, get your face away from any screens, time to wind down, read a book and set a consistent bedtime. Tip four, strengthen your social connections. studies show that people who have strong social ties have or having strong social ties.
ties are one of the biggest predictors of long-term happiness. So human connection is very real. It releases positive chemicals. Again, it reduces stress, increases the feeling of belonging. And in today's world, despite having hundreds or thousands of so-called friends on social media, we're talking like real social connections. So the step today would be to call a friend. I mean, old school.
pick up the phone, call a friend, don't just like a post. mean, if you like somebody's social media post, great, call them. You're gonna feel happier, they're gonna feel happier. So if you really wanna like something, invest in it. And if they don't pick up the phone, just say, hey, I really liked that post you did, keep it going, talk to you soon, hang up the phone. It's simple as that. It is gonna make you happier, it's gonna make them happier. Last step here, you can do.
Perform an act of kindness today. So this is interesting to me because you when you think of doing something kind for somebody, you think of helping them. But the science is clear that when you perform an act of kindness, it is an equally positive reaction for you. So when you focus on somebody else, you're shifting the focus away from your stress, your stresses, and it will really, again, will strengthen the social, your social bonds. So
The simple thing you can do today, do something that's kind for somebody else. Buy somebody a cup of coffee, compliment a stranger. Just say, hey, I like your shirt. Hey, you look good today. Do something, send a thoughtful message to somebody. Again, to tie these last two together, maybe call somebody that you haven't talked to in a while. We all have these people that are maybe in our mind, but we don't take that initiative to give them a call. Give them a call.
It's okay if they're busy, just leave a message or something. It is going to, it is going to serve you well. It's going to serve them. Well, both of your happiness scores goes up. It's a win-win. We all need some wins. So perform an act of kindness. And that is five minutes time. Right there. So here it goes. We've, we've got five things that you can do to build happiness, practice gratitude, move your body. We'll call that exercise, prioritize sleep, connect with people.
and spread some kindness. these are things you can try today. And I'll give you extra credit. If you message me and tell me which one you're going to focus on today, send me an email message, comment, comment. If you're watching this on YouTube, you can comment. I'll respond to every comment. And if you think this helped you a little bit or kind of at least piqued your interest, share with somebody else who could use a little lift. We all know people that are maybe going through a tough time or feeling a little negative.
forward this to them, share it with them, say like, hey, give one of these things a try, let's boost some happiness together. And if you want more science-backed strategies on all things related to healthspan, exercise, nutrition, sleep, emotional wellbeing, and preventative care, we don't want it to live just long, we wanna live well, we wanna be healthy, active, and vibrant, subscribe. And until next time, thanks for listening.