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Healthspan Digest
5 Tips in 5 Minutes to Build Consistency with Your Workout Routine
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In this lightning round episode, Aaron Shaw from Healthspan PhysioCoaching delivers 5 actionable tips in just 5 minutes to help you stay consistent with your workout routine. Struggling to make exercise a habit? Aaron shares proven strategies that can make a real difference, from scheduling workouts like meetings to tracking your progress. Plus, get a FREE 21-day kickstart workout plan to help you walk into the gym with confidence and purpose.
Ready to take control of your health and extend your healthspan? Tune in for these quick, powerful tips that will get you back on track!
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Lightning round, five tips in five minutes on how to build consistency with your workout routine. Remember, if you don't make sacrifices for what you want, what you want becomes the sacrifice. And we want to be healthy. We want to be active. We want to be vibrant. So in this episode, I'm going to knock out five tips that will help you be consistent with your workout routine. Don't start your timer yet. Let me introduce myself. My name is Aaron Shaw.
I am from HealthSpan Physio Coaching. I am a HealthSpan coach. I've been in the rehab and fitness industries for almost 30 years. And it is my passion, my drive, my mission to help as many people as possible extend their healthspan. So this is the length of time within our lifespan that we are healthy, active, vibrant, durable, happy, resilient, and ultimately free from disease, at least free from preventable diseases. We know that in the US from heart disease to diabetes, there's an epidemic of people suffering from things that are really self-inflicted. So we can prevent these. We have things we can do about them. And one of the best things we can possibly do is exercise. Hands down, I mean, there are no bad side effects to exercise. When done well, it will extend your life. has a
Infinite number of benefits. can check out other episodes where I talked about all the benefits of strength training and working out. So what we're left with our barriers. We have a hard time being consistent with our workout sometimes. So in this episode.
I'm gonna give you five tips. I'm gonna start here in just a moment. And these five tips will help you be more consistent with your workout routine. Are you ready? I'm using my little timer here. This is a great countdown timer, by the way. I do have this on my Amazon store, on my website, which I'll send a link to. This is super awesome. So I'm gonna be staring at a clock that's gonna be ticking down from five minutes for five tips, starting now.
Schedule your workouts like meetings. mean, non-negotiable, absolutely lock them in your calendar just like you had a meeting with your boss at work. Non-negotiable, these times are for you. So you'd be surprised actually when you schedule workouts like a meeting, other people get accustomed to your workout routine, to your workout time, and the people closest to you will start literally saying, hey, after you go to the gym today, can you go to the store? Can you do this thing?
just cause they get to know, especially your significant others will get to know that it's Monday. You always work out at this time. That's what you do. You become the person that does that. So it becomes really self-fulfilling when you ingrain these things in your calendar, into your workout, into your life, your environment ends up supporting you through that. So schedule your workouts like meetings non-negotiable. Tip two, get a workout buddy.
Get an accountability partner. So find a friend that is also interested in exercising. Maybe they already are exercising or maybe find somebody who's struggling just like you and be a buddy, be a pal. mean, everybody needs support. We all need a little nudge now and again. And this feels good to help other people too. And you'd be surprised that if somebody is counting on you to give them support, it kind of pushes you to be kind of more supportive of yourself. And when you pay it forward, it will come back.
when you pay it forward and you try to support somebody else, they will support you. A simple way of doing this is doing a nightly check-in. So if you have an accountability partner, send them a quick text every night, hey, see you at the gym in the morning. I'll see you at the spin class. I'll see you at the weight rack. I'll see you in the parking lot of the gym first thing in the morning. And get in the habit of doing that and you will be just fortifying, just like.
planting seeds of support that will pay it forward on those days when it's really hard to kind of stick to the routine because it happens to all of us. So get an accountability partner. Third tip, have a plan. Prepare ahead of time. Know exactly what you're going to do, exactly what you're going to do when you get to the gym before you get there. Know what exact exercises you're doing, how many sets, how many reps you're to do. You don't know where to start? That's okay. I have a free three week, 21 day
Kickstart program. I'll link it down below. It's free. It'll be a nice way to walk into the gym. Just follow along. Just follow the plan. You don't have to think it's no brain work. No decisions have to be made. No wandering around. Just thinking like, what, what weight am I going to pick up now? What am I going to do? Just follow it. It's a free 21 day plan. If you don't use that plan, that's fine. Find another plan online or make a plan from yourself. Get a trainer, get a coach, make it brainless.
Have a plan, prepare ahead of time, know exactly what you're going to do. Just walk in, plug and play, do the work. Fourth tip, focus on the process, not the outcome. If we can really shift your mindset into the process of working out consistently, rather than obsessing over results, much less immediate results or unrealistic results, you will be more successful. The process is going to the gym. The process is setting your gym clothes out the night before. The process is...
hitting the shower after your workout. It's just the process. Just focus on that part of it. And once you have the process of going to the gym, then you are the person who exercises. You are the healthy person. You are the person who does healthy things. You are the person who prioritizes health for yourself and prioritizes your health for the people that depend on you, for the people around you. You need to prioritize your own health. Focus on the process.
Forget about the six pack abs or losing a certain amount of weight. Just go through the process. When you go through the process, the results take care of yourself. Exercise like your life depends on it because it does. Tip number five, track your progress. We all want to celebrate the wins, right? We want to have some way of saying, hey, I'm doing the thing. I'm doing the working out. I'm putting in the time. Track it. So use a fitness app, use a journal, use a calendar. Track your workouts, monitor your improvement.
And it will really give you a sense of accomplishment. know, kind of once you get going, it's a nice positive nudge, it's a positive, you know, almost like a little bit of stress. man, I've been going to the gym four days a week for a month and I'm having a tough, tough week. You're going to be more motivated to find a way to make it happen. Find a way. Quick tip. What I would do is say four days a week is your goal in the gym. Put four Post-it notes in your refrigerator on Sunday night. And every time you go to the gym, take one of the Post-it notes off.
you'll see it. It'll be a visual reminder. It'll be tracking your progress. And then the goal is by the end of the week, there are no post-it notes on the refrigerator for the week. You've done it. You've succeeded. You're tracking your progress. Other people see it too. See it as well. And they'll remind you to keep up with your goal. And there it is. Timer just hit zero. Zip, zip. All right. Those are the five tips to be as consistent as you can in the gym. Keep it simple. Keep it consistent.
Please, above all else, please do resistance training. Resistance training, three days a week, cardiovascular training, another couple days a week, you will live a long, healthy, vibrant life. If you have any questions about how to do that, that's what I'm here for, that's what I do full time. My contact information is down below. I'll put a link into that free 21 day program if you're interested in that. Use it, free, follow along, plug and play. Until next time, get to the gym, here's to your health, cheers.